You might have heard the saying “asset rich and cash poor” which describes a situation where you have good security, but lack of access to cash. A short-term loan can be a good solution meet temporary challenges and the ups and downs of cash flow in your business or personal life. Short-term business loans usually have a term of two months to 36 months. Common loan sizes are from $25,000 to $500,000.
One of the most common forms of short-term personal loans in Australia is a bridging loan. As the name suggests, a short-term bridging loan essentially ‘bridges the gap’ between the sale of the original home and the purchase of the new house. As such, a bridging loan can be a good alternative when you need to act quickly to secure a new property and the settlement dates for purchasing and selling don’t match, which is often the case.
Less commonly known is that you can use a short-term personal loan to renovate or prepare your property for sale, or even complete a small sub-division. You might also use this kind of loan to pay off personal debts, such as credit cards or a tax bill.
Anyone who has run a business understands that a cash flow crunch can occur for any number of reasons, no matter the size of the business. Short-term business finance provides a simple solution and fast injection of funds to alleviate a credit squeeze and let you focus on running your business.
Backed by equity in your property, short-term business finance can be used to:
You can also use a short-term business loan to take advantage of a new business or investment opportunity that needs immediate action and funding.
The good news is there are many short-term loan providers in Australia, available from a range of lender types. Here’s a snapshot of the main institutions that provide short-term finance:
If you are facing a cash flow shortfall in your business or personal life, and you have equity in your property, a short-term loan can be used for up to 36 months for a variety of purposes.
We like to say
‘Yes’ to helping you get out of a bind, and ‘yes’ to provide funding to take advantage of a great opportunity. We do this by providing finance solutions via bridging loans for personal use and business short term loans for commercial or investment purposes.
Australian Credit Licence 422165
(applicable to personal bridging loans only)
Funded by Mango Mortgages Pty Ltd
ACN: 142 373 340 | ABN: 73 142 373 340
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